Ginger is one of the most important spices in Kerala. Ginger is a slender perennial herb. The under ground rhizome of this tropical plant, either raw or processed, is the spice. Though it is grown in several parts of the country, the variety grown in Kerala is said to be of better quality. It is best grown in humid places and requires well-ventilated, well-drained and well-drained soil. Ginger is suitable for intercropping in coconut groves in Kerala. It can be grown as an intercrop for the first three to four years in new rubber plantations.
When to cultivate ginger?
The best time for planting ginger in the West Coast of India is during the first fortnight of May with the receipt of pre -monsoon showers. Under irrigated conditions, it can be planted well in advance during the middle of February on early March. Some of the prominent indigenous cultivars are Maran, Kuruppampadi , Ernad, Wayanad, Valluvanad, Mannathody, Himachal and Nadia.
How to plant ginger?
Ginger is propagated by portions of rhizomes known as seed rhizomes. Carefully preserved seed rhizomes are cut into small pieces of 2.5-5.0 c m length weighing 20-25 g each having one or two good buds. The seed rate varies from region to region and with the method of cultivation adopted. The crop duration is generally around 8-9 months (April/May to December / January). Ginger is planted in rows, 30 cm apart at distances of 20-25 within the row. Bits of seed rhizomes weighing 30-35 g each, 3-5 cm in length and having at least one bud are planted at the given spacing. The average yield of green ginger is estimated at about 6 to 10 tones per acre. The recovery of dry ginger varies from 16-25 per cent.

Fertilizers used for ginger cultivation, Apply 12kg of Nitrogen and 12 kg of Potash /acre at 80th day. The final dose of 12 kg Nitrogen and 12 kg Potash /acre should be applied at 120th day. Ginger plants grow best in a partial shade location, where they will get 4-5 hours of indirect sunlight. Ginger loves hot, humid conditions and rich soil with lots of nutrients. In our cool climate the plants do well in full sun, in more southern locations the plants may need partial shade.
Health benefits of ginger
Ginger has proven to be a powerful remedy for migraines and, stomach issues including motion sickness, morning sickness, and general digestive problems. This natural wonder exerts its calming effects on an upset stomach through its anti-inflammatory properties, enhanced digestive responsiveness, and the regulation of hormones that help to stabilize blood pressure, promoting overall bodily tranquility.