The rearing of honey bees for the synthesis of honey and bees wax by humans is called apiculture. The word apiculture is derived from the Latin word ‘apis’, which means bee. In this method, the bees are reared in apiaries. An apiary is an area where several bee hives can be placed. So, Technically Apiculture is farming honey bees. This process of farming involves the cultivation of bees of the genus Apis ( honey bees). In addition to this, honey bees also contribute to the preservation of nature by collecting flower pollen, bee pollen, etc from the flowering plants. The Sanskrit word for honey is “Madhu”, which is the same with the Anglo-Saxon” Medu” and which resembles the beverage we make from honey “Mead”. The Gods Vishnu and Krishna were called The inexpensive supermarket honey is (usually) bought and sold in bulk, blended, often nicely labeled and attractively packaged. It’s perfectly good honey. It’ll probably taste OK and it might sell for £3 to £4 for 340 g. The exorbitantly priced Manuka honey is an oddity.”Madheve” meaning “The Nectar -born Ones” and their symbol is a Bee.
In modern times, honey is still sometimes collected from wild bee colonies, but most of the worldwide production comes from domesticated beehives. The leading five worldwide producers alone, China, Turkey, Argentina, Ukraine, and the United States, harvest annually a combined 1.2 million metric tons of natural honey. As you may know, the raw material for honey is nectar, a sugary liquid produced by flowering plants.
Surveys of floral honey composition have established that the three major components are fructose, glucose, and water, averaging 38.2, 31.3 and 17.2%, respectively.
Honey is produced across India, but productivity varies from state to state. States like Rajasthan, Uttarakhand, Punjab, West Bengal, Bihar, Kerala, Karnataka, Uttar Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, and Uttaranchal have a high concentration of honey. Uttar Pradesh is the largest honey-producing state in India, accounting for over 30% of the country’s honey production. The state has a rich tradition of beekeeping, with many farmers and rural households practicing it as a supplementary source of income.

Beekeeping Profit Per Hive
Healthy bees in a region with ample nectar sources can produce a profit of $300-$500 per hive each year. Free “Secrets to Successful Beekeeping” plus weekly newsletter with info about bees, beekeeping, and more…The inexpensive supermarket honey is (usually) bought and sold in bulk, blended, often nicely labelled, and attractively packaged. It’s perfectly good honey. It’ll probably taste OK and it might sell for £3 to £4 for 340 g. The exorbitantly priced Manuka honey is an oddity.
Most suitable place for Bee Farming Business
You should select a suitable place for starting a honey business plan that should be dry. High levels of moisture affect bee flying and honey ripening. It is necessary to have a natural or artificial source of water at the site. Trees act as wind belts in colder areas. Migrate colonies near the field after 10% flowering. Keep colonies at 3/ha for Italian bees and 5/ha for Indian bees. Colonies must have 5-6 frames strength of bees, sealed brood and young mate queen. Give enough space for storing pollen and honey. Beekeeping has an important significance because some of the most useful products like honey, wax, and royal jelly come from bees. Several bee products like propolis and venom are used for medicinal purposes.
Studies suggest that honey might offer antidepressant, anticonvulsant and anti-anxiety benefits. In some studies, honey has been shown to help prevent memory disorders. Wound care. Topical use of medical-grade honey has been shown to promote wound healing, particularly in burns. Honey won’t go bad as long as it’s stored properly and protected from external contamination. Crystallized honey is not an indicator of spoilage, but rather a sign of aging. To prevent honey from solidifying, keep your honey in an airtight container and place it in a cool, dark spot.