Kallu Valli + Panniyur 3 Plants (Pack of 5+5)


Kallu valli pepper

  • 5 Kallu valli plants
  • Best Quality Kallu valli pepper
  • High-yielding variety of black pepper
  • Drought-resistant variety

Panniyur 3

  • Pack of 5
  • Has pale yellow coloured shoot tip and long spikes
  • Late maturing pepper variety
  • All India Delivery

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Kallu Valli Pepper Plants

Pepperhub is proud to offer Kalluvalli pepper plants, a drought-resistant and hardy black pepper variety revered for its exceptional yield in Kerala’s northern regions. Kalluvalli thrives in its natural habitat. Unlike some pepper varieties, it flourishes even during dry periods, making it a reliable choice for farmers. Kallu valli, also known as Malabar Kadali, is a high-yielding variety of black pepper (Piper nigrum) that’s known for its distinct flavor and aroma. It’s particularly well-suitable for cultivation in the tropical climate of Kerala, India.

How to Identify : Its new shoots boast a distinctive dark purple hue, setting it apart from other varieties. As the plant matures, the captivating light reddish-green color of its pepper spikes adds another layer of interest.

Kallu valli vines are vigorous and fast-growing, capable of reaching up to 10 meters (33 feet) in length. The leaves are elliptical, dark green, and glossy, with prominent veins. The flowers are small and white, borne in spikes that mature into peppercorns. Kallu valli peppercorns are typically smaller than other varieties.

Unlike some pepper varieties that require specific pollination conditions, Kalluvalli is predominantly bisexual. This translates to consistent and high yields,. Kallu valli pepper requires well-drained, fertile soil with a pH between 6.0 and 7.0. It thrives in warm, humid conditions with moderate rainfall. It is a high-yielding variety, capable of producing up to 5 kg (11 lbs) of dried peppercorns per vine per year. Kallu valli pepper is generally resistant to most diseases and pests that affect pepper plants. However, it is still susceptible to some issues like fungal diseases and root rot.

Panniyur 3 Plants

Panniyur 3’s adaptability extends beyond just its growth characteristics. This hybrid pepper has shown resilience to various pests and diseases. Thus making it a reliable choice for farmers looking to minimize crop loss. Additionally, its ability to thrive in different pepper-growing regions across Kerala speaks to its versatility and widespread appeal in the agricultural community.

Furthermore, the unique combination of Uthirankotta and Cheriyakaniyakadan varieties in Panniyur 3. Hence resulted in a pepper plant that not only produces impressive yields but also boasts a well-balanced growth pattern. This balance is evident in the vine’s characteristic feature of spike length exceeding its leaf length by roughly 16%. This contributes to efficient berry production.

Panniyur 3 stands out as a champion amongst growers not only for its high yields and adaptability. But also for its exceptional quality and flavor. Its pale yellow shoots, high oleoresin content, and long spikes make it a favorite among discerning pepper enthusiasts, ensuring a potent and flavorful harvest for those who choose to cultivate this hybrid pepper variety.


Buy Best quality Black Pepper plants

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Weight 8 kg


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